Tooth Sensitivity

Drinking hot and cold beverages, eating sweet or acidic foods, brushing your teeth, breathing through your mouth, biting down—if any of these normal activities are causing you pain, you’re probably experiencing tooth sensitivity.

Tooth anatomy helps explain why teeth can become sensitive:

  • Enamel covers the crown, the visible part of the tooth above the gum line. Enamel is composed primarily of minerals and is the hardest substance in the body. Intact enamel protects the vulnerable tissues inside the tooth.
  • Cementum covers the roots of the tooth and, while quite strong, is more porous and softer than enamel.
  • Dentin lies just beneath the outer enamel and cementum. It’s a softer tissue filled with microscopic tubules that are connected to the pulp. When damaged enamel or cementum expose part of the dentin layer, the tooth becomes sensitive to things like temperature, sugars and acids, and touch.
  • Inside the tooth and protected by the dentin layer are the pulp chamber and root canals. These are filled with pulp, living tissue composed of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. If the pulp is damaged, the blood vessels inside become inflamed, putting pressure on the nerves and causing pain. Infection can set in, destroying pulp tissue and spreading to the surrounding gums and bone.

What causes sensitivity?

Sensitivity is a symptom that the tooth is compromised. You should see your dentist promptly to discover the source of and treatment for your discomfort.

  • Tooth Decay

When a cavity is deep enough to penetrate the enamel and reach the dentin, sharp pain when eating certain foods, drinking hot or cold beverages, breathing through the mouth, or brushing can result. Sensitivity can also be a sign that a loose or broken filling needs replacement. Treating a cavity in its early stages or replacing a damaged filling right away prevents decay from reaching the inner pulp and endangering the tooth.

  • Infection

Once decay has reached the pulp, the tooth is vulnerable to infection. This infection can spread to bone and gum tissue. Because the inner pulp contains nerves, infected and inflamed pulp can be very painful. Root canal treatment is often necessary to save the tooth.

  • Trauma

A chip, crack, or fracture can damage tooth structure and expose dentin and pulp to bacteria. You should see your dentist immediately after any dental trauma. Crown, onlays, veneers, or other restorations can repair injured teeth and prevent further damage.

  • Gum Disease

Periodontitis causes the gums to pull away from the teeth, exposing portions of the cementum covering the roots. Cementum is softer than enamel, and more prone to sensitivity and decay. If you have periodontitis, your dentist can recommend treatment options, including antibiotics, deep cleanings, and/or gum surgery.

  • Acidic Erosion

Acids can erode tooth enamel, exposing the dentin underneath. Acidic foods should be enjoyed in moderation and eaten with meals. Sodas and energy drinks should be limited. Medical conditions such as acid reflux can be very damaging to enamel, especially on the back of the teeth, and should be treated by your physician. Enamel won’t grow back, but if you have suffered significant enamel erosion, your dentist might suggest fillings, crowns, bonding, or veneers.

  • Abrasive Erosion

Aggressive brushing and hard-bristled brushes can be so abrasive that they cause enamel erosion and gum recession. Use a soft bristled or electric toothbrush, and brush thoroughly but gently. Your dentist can recommend better brushing techniques and toothpastes which reduce sensitivity.

  • Tooth Grinding

Repetitive nightly grinding can put so much pressure on the teeth that the outer layer of enamel is worn away. Tiny cracks and fractures develop. Pulp inflammation can occur. A custom-fitted nightguard is a common treatment used to redistribute grinding pressures.

  • Malocclusion

Too much pressure on a tooth caused by an unbalanced bite can lead to worn or cracked teeth or pulp inflammation. Orthodontic treatment is often recommended to create a healthy, balanced bite.

Tooth sensitivity shouldn’t be ignored. Any unpleasant or painful sensation which persists should be evaluated by your dentist to determine the cause of your sensitivity and to create a treatment plan for a pain-free smile.

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  • "The staff are always so accommodating and friendly, no waiting and very good and thorough dental work"
    Sherri W.
  • "I rated 10 on the question about referring a friend because I have done so. She went yesterday and I asked her about the experience and she was very pleased. No surprise here!! I have always felt that the people who help me, including Dr. Alpert, treat me and my dental health at a level of attention far above that required to simply do a job. They show a genuine concern about my welfare; I need their help; I am glad they are there. As Dr. Alpert said on my last visit about a potential issue, they will “keep an eye on it” for me. I find that vigilance genuinely re-assuring. Over the years I have have come to appreciate that re-assurance as a form of good medicine."
    Robert W.
  • "Very friendly staff! Dr. Alpert is a very good Dentist. I have been very happy with the quality work he has done on my teeth. I highly recommend him!"
    Martha L.
  • "I had a very good experience there, everyone was very friendly professional and good at what they do. I had a cleaning which was virtually pain free and 2 fillings done in one visit.
    I will be going back to this dentist and would recommend to anyone that I know."
    Harold H.
  • "I have been going to the Dental Care of Waterford for over 50 years. The receptionist(s) are eager to make you feel welcome and relaxed. Becky, the hygienist is caring and efficient.
    Dr. Lloyd Alpert does a thorough exam and addresses any concerns and asks if there is still problems.
    The staff is quick to respond to any concerns their patients have.
    I would highly recommend Dental Care of Waterford, MI."
    Barbara R.
  • "haven't had the ability to see a dentist in over 3 years due to Covid and loss of insurance. Now that i was able to seek dental care i was able to schedule an appointment within 3 days of calling to have a cracked filling taken care of... Staff is amazingly friendly and considerate of any needs and even asked if I had insurance just to make sure I could have X-rays done and not have to pay for my visit with one of my kidneys. Dr. Alpert is wonderful! Explained everything that he was about to do and how it might feel. completely painless and fast visit for a filling nonetheless. I definitely have found my new dental office and can actually say I look forward to my cleaning!"
    Kelly S.
  • "This was my first visit to Dr. Alpert's office. I was referred by a friend. Everyone was so nice and knowledgeable. I had the most thorough cleaning I think I've ever had. Everyone put you completely at ease. I highly recommend this dentist."
    Karen M.
  • "Ever been in a situation where you have a dental emergency and call about 20 dentist offices trying to get in? I have and Dr. Alpert's office was the only office to get me in within 24 hours. They were able to help me with my shattered tooth problem totally painlessly. Anytime I've been in for a cleaning, the wait has been minimal. The staff is friendly and professional. I'm in and out in no time. I would highly recommend Dr. Alpert to anyone in the area for last-minute needs and cleanings. His offer is a little hard to spot but it is right off M59 and there is ample parking"
    Alexandrea L.